Thursday, May 21, 2015

These are the moments to remember

Sometimes life is hard.
Sometimes, you wake up in the morning and it takes a while to remember what the point of it all is.
But sometimes God sends reminders as to why its all worth it.
Today was one of those days.
Almost a year ago, I walked into my 6th grade English classroom and met a girl who was hard and bitter. As I got to know her, I realized she wore anger like a mask to cover a world of hurt. Slowly the mask slipped aside and I met one of the sweetest girls I know. Our relationship has been a series of ups and downs as she has gradually learned to trust me and share with me about her hard family life. Today I was given a gift. As I was talking to her she told me she is trying very hard this year to behave better in school and told me that she would love to be able to call me her aunt. My heart melted. And in that moment, I thought back to the girl I had first met and realized how much of a change I can see in her. Now the angry mask has ceased to be her normal wear and instead the sweet girl is the most visible.
This afternoon Erin and I went to visit a family from the school to give them some gifts that their sponsor had sent down. He had sent the kids a beautiful picture Bible and the Max Lucado book, You are Special. The parents received a Scofeild study Bible. Not all families here in Guayaquil appreciate books, but this family does. Little Allison sat down right away with the Bible and flipped through, naming all the stories.  Her mom was ecstatic about the study Bible, saying that God knew exactly what she needed and had sent it. As we sat outside their bamboo and cement home, Erin decided to read the Max Lucado book to the family. Their eyes were glued to the pictures the whole time. Every time I looked at their faces, I got goosebumps. This is the point: to show the people that most have forgotten that their Creator loves them and that they are special.

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